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Covid-19 is caused by a coronavirus called sars-cov-2. Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions Like heart,lung disease, diabetes. People with these seem to be at a higher risk for developing more serious complications from the covid-19 illness.

How many cases and where?

In the U.S the total cases are around 8M cases. 0 has recovered and 212k have died from covid-19. But worldwide there are 37M cases. And 25M have recovered, and 1.06M have died from the covid-19 illness. In Roscommon 107 cases, and 4 deaths, 0 recovered.

Trump has the coronavirus!?

Trump was tested for the coronavirus. Then the results came back positive after he spent months playdown the severity of the outbreak. The outbreak that killed more than 207,000 in the united states. And hours after saying end of the pandemic is in sight. Will quarantine force him out of the campaign that's in less than a month.